much has happened in the last week or so. ill try to fill you in.
Wed, Oct. 31
Halloween. While everyone else was out having fun I was sulking in my San Antonio hotel room. Torn between continuing to sit there or sucking it up and going to a bar. My hotel was right on the river walk! The day of our seminar I visited the Alamo on my lunch break.
Thursday, Nov. 1
Upon my arrival at my hotel room I was greeted by a care package from Miss Jill. Yay for Jill! She is officially the best friend ever. Haha. It was filled with all kinds of goodies. And, since I was mildly intoxicated from the 2 free drinks the Radisson gave me, I excitedly opened things and took photos. Here I am with a mud mask on:
Justin gave me a pretty, pretty ring. Its a sapphire. Me likes it alot. Lots of laundry and hanging out. More wine consumption.
Sunday, Nov. 4 (Day of Infamy)
So, on my way to the airport my front tire blew out. Yay! It was fixed quickly, but I still missed my morning flight to Sioux Falls. I couldn't get another until 3:20 p.m. So, I sat around the Seattle airport for 4+ hours. You can really live in an equipped airport. Definitely. Of course I don't want to. I arrived in Sioux Falls (in the great state of South Dakota) at approximately 10 p.m.
My luggage did not arrive with me. It didn't come in until the next afternoon (after talking to incomprehensible people in New Delhi several times). So, I attended to my duties wearing warm-up pants, flip flops, and a t-shirt. So sexy...and professional.
Sioux Falls sucks!!
Last night and today I was in Nebraska. I hung out with Justin's Braski friend Abe in Omaha last night. Yay for play dates! More wine consumption. People from Nebraska obviously eat alot of fried mayonnaise balls.
The drives between south dakota, nebraska and iowa are about the most boring drives ever. Snooze. However, one franchise brightens the horizon. I'm sure most of you northwesterners haven't heard of it. I hadn't...

Haha worst/ best name ever
Haha, That is an awesome mud mask photo! I tried to warn you about the SD, NE and IA drives - they are cool for the first few minutes, but it never changes after that!
PS: I can't believe I actually found this, They Do Exist!
We might have to whip some up this weekend!!
As soon as I understood what Kum and Go meant, it always made me giggle! I can now hardly even say it with a straight face. How did it go with Abe? Isn't he hot as hell?!
fried mayo balls?? seriously?? I love that you went to the Alamo on your lunch break...
you're welcome for my being the most awesomest friend ever.
oh my gosh, blew out your tire? how scary! I also am pleased to see you were able to visit the Alamo on your lunch break. You are beginning to check things off of the 1000 places to see in North America book, i'm sure ;)
for your entertainment, if you've never seen it before:
Hey! Hadn't checked this in a few days. You're alive!
Glad you are safe. How did you replace the tire? Love the mask!
It's good to see your having lots of adventures. I'll give you a call here soon buddy.
Tag! You're it! (look at my blog)
I got a kick out of "Kum & Go." I showed my boss, who also thought it was funny, but pointed out American Family (where I work)probably wouldn't insure it based on ethical standards. In case you were wondering.
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