Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I will write in this

Too much swirls around in my head and I need to put some of it down.

I'm pretty proud of myself that I gave my blog a new, swanky look. Maybe I will be more enticed to write in it if I like how it looks.

So much is happening these days. I thought that unemployment would be a life of leisure, but I am either busy, busy or being toooo leisurely. While I am really happy I decided to quit, I am also worried about so many things. When I had a job I ignored all of the articles, news segments, and talk about the recession. "I have a job - it must not be that bad" Well, it is. With our California trip, I guess I've only been looking for a couple weeks. Why does it seem like forever?

So far I haven't volunteered or read dozens of books or learned Spanish or picked up a new hobby. My day usually starts at 11 and I look at jobs and watch t.v. in my pajamas for hours. I like sleeping and pajamas so much. Justin does like having dinner ready and waiting at 5 p.m., though.

No more for now. Much to say, but later


Annaliese said...

So proud of you, actually updating the blog! Good luck on your interview tomorrow!

Sarah B @ Life. Love. Sincerely. said...

I'm digging the new look!