Last week I was contacted by a guy at our old building on Capitol Hill who informed me a package with my name on it was there. So considerate to tell me! Thanks, Steve. Anyway, I thought, "What fool is sending packages to our place from 2 years ago??" : ) I found out who the package was from beforehand, but just picked it up today.
Look what I got:
Okay, so far this blog does sound like it's all about me. It's not. The package came from my friend Jill who is currently living in the armpit of the world, Abu Dhabi. Don't be embarrassed if you don't know where that is, I didn't. I've included a map for your reference. Jill is on her second year of teaching in the deserty region and even though I do not envy her general location I am continually impressed by her many adventures.

Jill blogs about all the cool stuff she makes and her weekend vacays to India, Egypt and Jordan. Most importantly, she blogs about NOVELTY SNACKS. I love reading them and wish I could go on so many faraway excursions.
When I was doing some of my own traveling, she sent care packages that would be waiting at my hotels before I got there. She just thinks to do stuff like that. Here I am enjoying a mud mask sent to me. I've known Jill for a relatively short time compared to some of my other friendships, but I know she's a keeper. Not that I routinely throw away friends. Haha.
Anyway, thanks for the stuff, Jill! Sorry I publicly made fun of Abu Dhabi...and Canadians, but hopefully this makes you smile. Or smirk bemusedly? Anything?
Also, I have so many cupcake cups now! I really need to get around to making ALOT of them. I want to use the cupcake stands like whoa. I've looked on Etsy and think there is a serious market for individual cupcake stands out there. I think I might start with these as a template since they come in pieces and make some of my own.
1 comment:
Wow, this girls sounds awesome! I need to meet her! ;)
So thankful for the guy in your building...sorry about that (again!).
Loved the post. Made me laugh. Hope you enjoy the cupcake supplies!
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