ACTUALLY HAPPENING - Photos come from the first image in a Google search for the name of the destination city
Trips to Chicago

Lodi Roadtrip Wedding Extravaganza

Malibu Wedding Trip

Texas Christmas Trip
Justin's wonderful grandparents live in Texas. It is a tradition in the family to reunite at Christmas. Justin and I went down to Texas for Christmas in 2009, but didn't go this past Christmas. It is usually pretty pricey to fly down, but will be worth it for family and a possible trip across the border to Mexico for cheap margaritas!
Alaskan Cruise

Ireland/ Scotland/ England
These destinations have been at the top of my list for places to visit FOREVER. I want to visit them so very, very much! I would love to get a vacation rental in Ireland or Scotland and journey to the other countries from there. Or backpack and go on the cheap. I've talked to my friend Heather about a possible couple trip, but this is just talk. ; )
Abu Dhabi
Haha okay this one may be a long shot. My friend Jill lives in Abu Dhabi and I believe still plans to stay there another year. Whyyyyy? I have toyed with the idea of visiting her. Mostly because I like her, but also because when else would I ever, ever go there?
I ran into Jill's friend Shauna (twice in a week actually) and she actually did visit Jill quite recently. She echoed my thoughts - when else would you go there?? I'd like to combo it with a trip to Egypt or India. Okay, Egypt is out for obvious reasons. Traveling by myself to these places is maybe not the best idea.
Volunteer Travel
I like helping others and I also like travel, so combo those two and wam bam awesome. Habitat for Humanity has trips to New Zealand (yes, please!) and other cool places. My friend did a H for H tript to Bali and loved it. See Bali-themed cupcakes to celebrate her departure. There are also super cheap trips through this organization. Maybe South Africa, India or Thailand?
What do you think? Where are you going in the next year?
Alright, I've got a lot of things to say here:
1. You are NOT going to Lodi this summer. That falls during designated "Jill Time" (July 15th - August 15). I expect all friends and loved ones to have their calendars absolutely clear during this time.
2. You are NOT going on an Alaskan cruise this summer unless of course you go after August 15th.
3. I was starting to get a little nervous that Abu Dhabi wouldn't make the list! You have 1 more year to come before I'm out of here!
4. I've always wanted to volunteer travel too. I was supposed to do that this summer but Europe kinda sounded better.
5. Upcoming trips: HOME!!! and then flying to Vienna and doing Central Europe for 2 weeks.
6. Miss you! Keep blogging!
I am so in for Ireland/England/Whatever! Let's get out of the greyness and go!
Liz! June 19th is my wedding!! You cannot miss it for a work trip...
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